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WhatsApp Session vs. Template Messages Explained

An img shoiwing whatsapp chat, template message and session message.

Session Messages:

All incoming and outgoing messages within the 24-hour window are called session messages

These messages can include Any message—text, images, or videos.

Let’s say a user starts a chat at 5:20 PM. Your chatbot or agent replies, and the conversation lasts 40 minutes, ending at 6:00 PM.

You can reply to the user until 6:00 PM the next day. The session window lasts 24 hours from the user’s last message.

After 24 hours, you can’t reply to the user with any message.

So, what can you (as a business) send after 24 hours? And how can you start a conversation with the user?

Read on to find an answer

WhatsApp Template Messages:

After 24 hours, you can only send specific messages approved by WhatsApp. Approval takes 15 minutes to 4 hours.

These pre-approved messages are called template messages. You use them when the 24-hour window is closed and you want to start a new chat with the user.

You can also use these templates for transactional messages like delivery alerts or appointment reminders, but only to users who have opted in to receive your messages.

You can start a conversation with users on WhatsApp using these template messages, as long as they have permitted you to message them.

Can I Import My Contacts to Serri Dashboard and Broadcast WhatsApp Messages to Them?

Yes, you can easily import all opted-in users to the Serri Dashboard with a single click and send them a template message.

Is there any charge for these messages?

No, since February 2022, Facebook doesn’t charge for WhatsApp templates or session messages. Instead, they charge for conversations happening within 24 hours.

A WhatsApp conversation starts when a business sends a message to a user.

During this 24-hour session, businesses and users can exchange any number of messages, including template messages, without extra charges.

What are UIC(User-Initiated Conversations)?

When a business replies to a user within the 24-hour customer service window, it starts a user-initiated conversation.

What are BIC(Business-Initiated Conversations)?

When a business sends a message to a user outside the 24-hour customer service window, it starts a business-initiated conversation. These messages require a template.

Charges for conversations depend on the user’s country code.

Can We Send Promotional Messages?

Yes, since September 2021, WhatsApp has allowed businesses to send promotional messages like discounts, vouchers, and coupons.

Before September 2021, businesses couldn’t send promotional WhatsApp template messages globally.

Now, WhatsApp lets businesses in all countries send promotional messages via Serri without worrying about any bans (except from your customers).

Chatting After 24 Hours

If the 24-hour window is over, you can start a chat with inactive users using template messages.

For example, if you send 100 template messages and 20 users respond, those 20 users become active, and you can start engaging with them.

How Many Templates Can You Get Approved?

You can get up to 250 message templates approved. If you need more, just contact us, and we can extend the limit to 1000 templates.

What is Dynamic Info in Templates?

Each template can have dynamic info.

For example: “Hi #Name, your transaction for $Currency was successful.”

Replace #Name with the user’s name and $Currency with the amount, like $50.

This way, you can use the same template for different users.

Do All Templates Need Approval?

Yes, every message template needs approval from WhatsApp to make sure it follows their policies.

Sending Approved Templates

Once approved, you can send the template to as many users as you want. These templates can also include dynamic info at multiple levels.

What are WhatsApp Template Message Guidelines?

WhatsApp has guidelines for getting your template messages approved. They can’t be promotional. Here’s what to avoid:

  1. No Threatening Content: Your messages should not include any threats.
  2. Correct Formatting: No spelling errors or non-compliant words according to WhatsApp’s Commerce Policy
  3. No Single Floating Parameters: Use double parameters like ( {{1}} ) instead of single ones ( {1} ).
  4. Language Consistency: Write the message in the language you chose. If you pick English, the message must be in English, or it will be rejected.